Archieved Data

Publishing Year : 2018

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Comparative study of self-confidence of students of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes at secondary level was studied. To measure self confidence, Dr. Self confidence test prepared by D. D. Pandey was done. Studies have shown that meaningful differences are not found in the confidence of students of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes at secondary level.
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Mrs. Sharma R. K., Secondary Education and Teaching Work, Radha Prakashan Mandir Agra Pancham V. 2001 Dr. Mars Anshu, Dr. Barlow A., Methods of Educational Research and Educational Statistics Latest edition Radha Prakash Agra Dr. Singh Rampal Sharma o P., Educational Research, Latest Version, Vinod Book Temple, Agra-2 Dr. Mathur S. S., Education and Secondary Education, latest edition, Vinod Book Temple, Agra Dr. Raina Rita Bhargava Rakhi, Educational Measurement and Statistics, Rakhi Publications Agra Second Edition 2006 Dr. Sarin Shashikala, Fourth Edition 2006, Dr. Sarin Anjani, Educational Research and Methodology, Shri Vinod Buk Temple, Agra-2

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Albert Einstein, a well-known scientist, said, "Science without religion is lame and religion is blind without science." Albert Einstein's statement emphasizes that both of them prosper and each other Should be empowered. The relationship between religion and science is complex and complex. (On the second level, it supports each other to empower humans on earth, both religion and science are also in the integration, science supports each other to prove their own claims. Claims are scientifically investigated and proven in the same way, religion prepares conceptual framework where science exists, for the theory of religion, religion and science This level is integration. The truth of this, perhaps, is that religiousness itself is not religious in itself. The property of being a religious is not self-reliant for a belief, but it is a belief that is in the life of a person or community Acting in a certain way. To be a religious believer, belief in the question must be appropriately related to the proper religious and moral perspectives.
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1. Elberber, Ianuu (1997) Religion and Visionary Historical YQ Contemporary Issues, Harper Collins 2. James, Wiley (1999) Varieties of Religious Experience, Randow House 3. Miller, K. (2001) The God of the Dariari, inventor of the common ground and evolutionary scientist, Harper Collins. Peter, Fish (2003). Vikasru Creation to New Creation Martijn Hewlett

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Prevalent separatism, communalism, racism, violence, religious fanaticism and negligence are done by so-called educated people that our education has failed to achieve the goal of moral values. Keeping in view the human values ​​among the students, the national policy of education has also emphasized this. Increasing concern about the degradation of essential values ​​and increasing freneticism in society is the need of adjusting the social and moral values ​​in the curriculum in order to make education a powerful tool. In the purpose of all facets of student personality, education should be shown under two top-long goals and short-term goals. Physical, mental and economic development etc. should be promoted in the form of short-term goals and social, moral and spiritual development as a long-term goal.
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Katiyar, P.C. (1987): Price and Business References Agaru Bhargava Book House, Page-3 Pandey, R.S. (1990): '' Chhehansh against Shikhar, Agaru Vinod Book Temple, Page-20 Pandey, R.S. And K.S. Mishra (1991): 'Miyaya Shikhansa', Agra Vinod Book Temple, Page 1

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As we all know we are living in a global world. The impact of Globalization is being felt on all aspects of human life. It has affected every society, tradition and every culture very deeply around the world. It has changed man’s perceptions, attitudes, habits, priorities and goals. Actually the entire world is in continual flux and change. The rapid progress of scientific knowledge and thought has resulted in worldwide development. But together with this we are also faced with a competitive’ world where people have started treating life as a race thus losing sensitivity towards their fellow competitors/human beings. Often the Modern Age is characterized as the Age of ‘Anxiety’, Age of ‘Information and Consumerism’ and the Age of ‘Value Crisis’which leading to dehumanizing and materialistic value of human life.
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I. The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Calcutta : Advvaita Ashram, 1-8, 1989; 9,1997. 2. Swami Bodhananda, Indian Management and Leadership, Bluejay Books, New Delhi. 3. Piali Roy, Bhagavad Gita : Lessons in Life (Ideas), Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 4. http://hinduism.about.coffilod/thegita/a/ David Thoreau IIAldous Huxley 5. http://pratheep.comlquotes-on-india//Aurobindo// Arnold Joseph Toynbee 6. http://pratheep.comlquotes-on-india/Mark Twain/I Max Mueller 7. Swami Bodhasarananda, July 201O,Selection from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Kolkata :Advvaita Ashram;

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Jain philosophy is one of the ancient philosophies. Jain word is derived from the word 'gin', which means that the winner The winner means that, the person has won his desires and mind, i.e. he has attained victory, and that person has become free from the order of birth and death. It is believed that Jain philosophy was revised by Lord Mahavir Swamiji, about 6th century BC. Which is also called 'Vardhman' 'Veer' 'Uveer' and 'Sammati'. Due to the origin of Jain philosophy, the authenticity of the Vedas and the excess of rituals is considered. Whereas God is considered the supreme master of power in the Vedas, on the other hand, considering the non-violence as important in Jain philosophy, the pilgrims have been given the place of God, and the teachings given by the pilgrims are considered to be justified. These people whose teachings are considered to be Jain and their religion's teachings became famous as Jain Darshan. Jain philosophy is a philosophy based on human values. Which emphasizes the adoption of ethics based on authenticity. According to the belief of Jain philosophy, when the creatures completely free their soul from karmas, then they themselves become God, and at the same time, the person has to fulfill it according to the fundamental beliefs expressed in Jain philosophy, Which is called 'Samyak Purushartha' in Jain Darshan. The most prominent philosophy in the atheist philosophy is 'Jain Darshan'. Jain philosophy is also known as 'Arhaat Darshan'. Under the Jain philosophy, Chabis became a pilgrim, in which Rishabdev was first and Mahavira Swami was considered as a twenty-seventh tirthankara.
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Tiwari Girish (2002), a comparative study of atheist philosophy, Kavita Nainital Ode L.K. (2008), Philosophical Basis of Education, Rajasthan Hindi Grant Academy Jaipur. Shukla Ram (2008), philosophical basis for education, Alok Prakashan, Lucknow. Rouhela S.P. (2010), philosophical and intellectual basis of education, Agrawal Publications, Agra. Lal Rambhari (2012), Gokhshashchik Chintan and experiment, R. Lal. Book Depot Meerut

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Japan's United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the cost of earthquake and tsunami in the northeast could reach $ 309 billion (US), making it the world's most expensive natural disaster on record. According to estimates of a cabinet office, due to heavy damage to housing, roads, utilities and businesses in seven district (states), there has been a loss of between 16 trillion and 25 trillion (198-billion dollars and $ 309 billion). This could reduce the economic growth rate by 0.5 percent this year. Natural disasters are going on every part of the world at one time or the other. The world is becoming increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters, from earthquake to flood and famine, humanity is more at risk from nature's forces. Natural disasters can come at any time or anywhere.
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Disaster Education Course Education for Schools in Fiji, Fiji Government, 2007 Building a Strategic Direction for Education in Fiji, Ministry Education, Fiji Government, 2005. Disaster Education and School Safety in Fiji - Report of Workshop on February 28, 2007 A guide for practical information on crisis planning, school committees, American Education Department of Safe and Drug Free School, 2004. First, during earthquake, cyclone, flood, tsunami, handout, National Disaster Management Unit, Fiji Government and later.

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B. In the modified B. Ed course for two years. Ed. The area of ​​the program is very extensive. This area is focused on experience in real-life so that students can get information with children, school and community. This includes three broad inter-related courses: - Perspective in education Curriculum and teacher study Association with area All curricular areas include theoretical exchanges with practical work,
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Modified B.Ed. syllabus