Thesis Publication

Thesis Publication


It is our great pleasure in opening the ADITI PUBLICATION, on demand of Scholars, Authors, Readers, Organizers and Contributors, Shodh Samagam Research Journal has taken leading step in publication of Conference Papers, Seminar papers and Proceedings etc. with ISBN. In this accord we most warmly welcome you to ADITI PUBLICATION :

Publication publishes Conference Papers, Seminar papers and Proceedings with ISBN as well as with ISSN in Print format, Book format. In glance

  • ADITI PUBLICATION on demand provides only ISBN to every title.
  • ADITI PUBLICATION provides ISBN to every Title of the Book.
  • ADITI PUBLICATION provides ISBN for Conference Book, Seminar Book, etc
  • ADITI PUBLICATION provides & Prints books, Conference proceedings, Seminars proceedings, project reports with ISBN.